Thursday 8 April 2010


Winning Cannes Ads and Other TV Commercials

The funniest, scariest and weirdest advertisements and tv commercials
Cannes: Levi's Ad

Cannes: Niños con Cáncer Ad

Cannes: Zazoo Condoms Ad

Cannes: Seat Belt Ad

cute Indigo, Love of Reading Fund Ad

Funny Veet Ad

Winners Cannes Lions 2009: Mercedes Benz "Dreams" Commercial - Silver Lion

Winners Cannes Lions 2009: Mercedes Benz "Dreams" Commercial - Silver Lion

Cannes: Coca Cola Ad

Cannes Lions 2009 SQUARES commercial AXE

Arranged Marriage Funny Commercial

Cute Diaper Commercial

Fritos Cute Commercial

Green Tea Ad

Budweiser Frog Commercial - Original

Budweiser Frogs Commercial - Tongue Lashing

Budweiser Frogs Commercial - Those Frogs Are Gonna Pay

Budweiser Frogs Commercial - You're One Sick Lizard

Budweiser Frogs Commercial - Frogs & Lizard Electrocution Attempt

Funny Condom Ad

My Mom Said I Could!

Banned Durex Ad

Banned Durex Ad

Banned Durex Ad

Doritos Ad

Funny Finnish Defense Forces Commercial

Finnish Butter Commercial

Finnish Bread Commercial: Hard as Life

Funny Sauna Ad from Sweden

Funny Old Dunkin' Donuts Commercial

Scary Greenpeace Global Warming Ad
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